Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All Roads Lead to Rome

Well, I like the old saying, but it ain't true. The true saying should refer to the road that ran straight from Jerusalem to Rome.

The gospel of God was first preached in Jerusalem and ended up in Rome, if you adopt a "book of Acts" worldview. But the road implies so much more.

For in Rome the gospel proved it could conquer the "most worldly" place on earth, and do so without apostolic planting. But not without apostolic care when about ready to fracture.

Look down the road from Rome, in the direction to Jerusalem, and look past Jerusalem to Corinth in Greece. If you squint and focus, you can Paul coming, the great apostle to the Gentiles. The road is important. Paul is writing from Rome, ready to go to Jerusalem, so he can turn around and come to Rome.

Did you hear Romans 1:1-7 on Sunday, May 24? If not, go back and download it (www.gracechurchministry.org). If you did, you are ready for Paul to begin the greatest NT letter (IMHO).